Monday, September 10, 2007


Watashi wa Robert desu.
Sannensei desu.
Taiwanjin desu.
Hatachi sai desu.
Arigato gozaimasu.

I'm studying Japanese because I feel like the culture is extremely widespread and has a presence in almost everything I do. Not only do all my friends speak Japanese, but Taiwan is infatuated with Japanese culture, making more extremely curious about why the Japanese language and culture are so great. And so far, learning Japanese has been a really fun and fulfilling experience. Soon, I hope to be able to speak/listen/read/write well enough to understand Japanese music and movies.

Ja mata!


sawaranran said...

Robert san, hajimemasite. Nihongo no TA no Sawamoto desu. My parents used to live in Taipei. When I visited Taiwan, I was amazed by how widespread the Japanese culture was. I hope you're enjoying Japanese.

Unknown said...

I have been to たいわん 3 years ago, but I did not feel like I was in a foreign country. Have you ever been to Japan?

su said...

はじめまして. 私も in "Group D." Who is your favorite Japanese singer/band?

Jacky Ahn said...

Robato san!
Didn't I tell you before my best friends from Korea are Taiwanese also? Haha. I seriously think there's some Taiwanese connection from my previous life or something :).

What's the most widespread Japanese culture in Taiwan? Music? Food? Fashion?

なずきあん said...


こんにちは。I have been to Taiwan yet. But hope i will have a chance to go there. よろしくね。
